Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What to name our trailer?

The official name is 'Roland Big Boy', but we are, you know, ladies, so this doesn't seem quite suitable. Ideas, anyone?

Please note Paula here, demonstrating how to carry paint (in style):

Ladies who Lunch. Or at least, snack.

While chocolate generally fuels our afternoons, this kettle has changed our working life. Added to that are two special tea cups, printed with those '90s ducks wearing bow-ties, and without handles.
Can you get uglier? No?
Still, tea for two, thank you very much.

If smoking inside for 40 years makes your apartment this disgusting, what do you think your insides look like?

Autumn is on its way. Bring on the after-work Glühwein!

Please join me (Judith) on my journey to professional painting. I am under the tutorledge of the amazing Paula, who has been painting professionally for 7 years. I may need to start doing press-ups.

Ask the Lady Painters!